Monday, March 1, 2010

Never Cracked An Egg

My middle name "Giles" celebrates my grandfather. He was not an English "Giles" but a Vermont farmer turned carpenter/jack of all trades, wonderful man. Born in 1894 he saw the dawn of the modern age. One thing I remember clearly about him is that after riding in a motor vehicle and stopping without incident he would say "Never cracked an egg." That memory is so strong that I continue to use the phrase every time I turn the engine off in one of my vehicles. I did that Saturday after driving almost 500 miles from Acoma, NM to the Denver area.

The final drive was long but uneventful. I arrived home at about 5 pm and unloaded the most basic stuff (refrigerator) and saved the heavy unload for Sunday morning. The weather shamans had said that there was a possibility of some snow on Saturday and Sunday so that was the impetus to get home....before I got snowed in someplace again!

The rig has been unloaded and I'm now in the process of returning to the normal life after 21 days on the road.

It was a great trip and I'm sure that I'll post more stories about it soon....

Thanks for visiting.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

First time here at your blog... found you through ARVA (mark & bobbie). I look fwd to reading more! Sincerely, Maureen (aka scamp)


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