Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Alive and Well

It has been a very long time since my last post. I guess I should have posted an explanation but to tell the truth I’ve been very busy and at the same time a bit burned out on writing for the blog. I’m happy and healthy and have been “adventuring” quite a bit. The adventures have included several more Passport In Time projects, a vacation with The Bride in the Black Hills and several metal detecting expeditions. I can’t explain why but the blog seemed to become more like work than fun and I’ve decided to take a hiatus for a while. Hopefully the “urge” will return as I’ve really got some good stories to tell….In the meantime here’s some random pictures from the past couple of months.

guanella black1

cherokee1 black4

chero2 guanella3


Thanks for visiting

1 comment:

Marian Ann Love said...

So good to see you back posting...looks like you really had a nice time and found some interesting objects. I hope you find C P someday. Did you find the pretty ring in this post also?


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