Monday, March 5, 2007

Springtime in the Rockies

.....Well, almost. We still have to make it through March which is on average, our snowiest month and we've gotten some real doozies in March. The weather is starting to give us some hope, however. The weeks forguess is for tempretatures to be in the 60's most of the week!

It was sunny but cool this weekend and everyone seemed to take advantage of it. I can finally see the grass in my back yard so I spent some time cleaning up back there.

The "circle" really connected this weekend. On Friday night we all went to a nice Italian restaurant. We have all driven by this place but none of us had ever eaten there. It was good enough to merit a return trip to try some of the dishes we didn't get to on Friday. On Saturday night we all attended the play "Footloose" and a small suburban theater. Good music, feel good story, it made for an enjoyable night.

The picture at the top of the page was taken Sunday morning. The Emmer was working this weekend so I took her to work at 6 am both Saturday and Sunday. When we left the house on Saturday the moon was just about touching the mountains and I told Emmer that I had to get a picture of that. By the time I got back home and got my camera it was too late. On Sunday morning I was prepared! We left a little early and after I dropped Emmer off I found a good vantage point for the moonset show. Most of the shots I took were at full magnification which is equal to about a 420mm zoom. I didn't have a tripod with me so I had to use the car door to steady the camera. The camera also has image stabilization which was helpful. I have been trying to capture this "shot" for a few years now and something always seem to keep me from getting a really good image. I will admit that I enhanced the pinkish glow a bit, but not much. The glow is caused by the sun rising in the east.

A comment from my brother who lives about 1000 miles to the north of me on my "Food For Thought" post:

"Yes there are other kinds of ketchup. I can go to grocery store up here and buy mango ketchup and banana ketchup. The Caribbean countries seem to have a bazillion types."

OK, so I've learned something to add to my store of ketchup knowledge....not sure the thought of french fries with banana ketchup appeals to me though.

Another week without out of town travel for me, so come visit during the week!

Thanks for visiting!

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