Sunday, November 25, 2007

Happy Birthday Guitar!

Since the Turkey Trot Trip to Taos was Trashed, The Circle decided to have dinner at my place last night in honor of Guitar's birthday. Now, with The Bride out of town, you might think that that was pretty courageous on my part? Under most circumstances I would agree but this dinner was being provided by K. and Pic-E and all I had to do was provide space, an oven, a stove, some munchies and some libations. Even an old married guy like me, batching it, can do that much.

The menu consisted of lasagna, salad and a wonderful squash soup. You can see in the picture that there are actually two different pots of soup being ably attended by K. and Pic-E. One soup used white wine and one used cream as an additive. When K. served the soup she put a little of each in everyone's bowl and because each type had a different density they stayed separate in the bowl. Great presentation and great taste.

The evening was very low key with the highlight being the presentation of some gifts to Guitar....and a birthday cake dessert. I guess we're all getting older because the affair broke up by 10 pm.

Well, Guitar, that's another year under your belt. By the way, it appears as if there are some other things under that belt that weren't there last year? Anyhow may you enjoy this next year as much as I have enjoyed your company during this last year....Happy Birthday!

Thanks for visiting.


janet copenhaver said...

Hi His-self,

Guitar and I have something in common, well actually a day apart. My birthday was yesterday. I didn't have to do a thing yesterday. My other half, not necessarily my better half though, made dinner and a yummy choc. cake with peanut butter icing. Ate to much and was up half the night.

You guys get dangerously close to westcliffe in your travels, I'll bet. If your ever in town give us a holler.

Gene Bach said...

Happy birthday Guitar!


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