Wednesday, July 16, 2008


It's a hot and busy week. Tomorrow I'm leaving for Cottonwood Lake and a weekend of mountain fix. The rest of The Circle, minus The Bride, will come up on Friday for a Circle The Wagons event.

The Bride is taking two night classes this school term. The classes are five weeks long and meet once a week for 4 hours. Because the classes are compact they really pile the work on and she just doesn't have the time to do anything else than go to work and do homework. She is on track to get her degree this December. I don't know how she does it but I'm very proud of her.

This past Saturday The Circle got together for dinner and an outdoor concert. I mentioned in a previous post that we had tickets to see Baxter Black. I've been wanting to see him for some time and this was a great opportunity. A bluegrass band, Southern Exposure, was the opening act. They are a local band but I had never heard of them before. They were very good. The concert was held at Arvada Center at their outdoor venue. This is a great little venue. I don't think it will hold more than about 800 people so it's pretty intimate....not a bad seat in the house. The weather cooperated just fine with temps in the upper 70's once the sun set and a light cooling breeze.

Stay tuned for the weekend report....gotta run.

Thanks for visiting.

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