Tuesday, March 18, 2008


Monday morning broke cold, windy and snowy in Raton so I was pretty well decided to hunker down for another day. As the morning wore on, snow gave way to sunshine and I checked the Denver weather on my computer. The weather folks did it again....missed the forecast. It seems like the 12" of snow that was forecast for the Denver area ended up further north and east. Just to be sure, I called The Bride at work and got a first hand report that there was a little snow but the roads were fine.

I decided that I would start towards the Denver area and if the weather started to look bad I would just stop where ever I was. The south side of Raton Pass was fine but by the time I got to the summit it was snowing pretty good and it continued until I got north of Trinidad, CO. Once I was north of Trinidad, the sun came out and it was just another spring day.

This leg of the trip was all on Interstate. About 240 miles. This gave me a good opportunity to see what kind of mileage I could get if I held my speed to right around 55 mph. Slowing down to that speed did help. I got the best mileage of the trip by doing that. Are you ready for this??? 8.7 miles per gallon!....and remember that was the best of the entire trip. So now you see why I will not be able to take endless trips of thousands of miles. Gasoline prices in New Mexico ranged from $3.19 to $3.29 a gallon....average it at $3.24 and it costs about 40 cents a mile to travel in the RV.

Anyhow, I arrived back home at around 4:30 and unloaded most of the stuff in the RV. Today I unloaded the rest and installed a roof vent cover on one of the vents on the roof of the RV. This will allow me to open the roof vent while travelling or when it's raining. I did not buy this brand but this will show you what I did. I have three other vents on the roof and I'll probably add covers to all of them.

So now it's time to sit down and start plotting my next trip. Hopefully, yesterday's snow was the last of the year for the front range. Maybe eastern Wyoming??? Stay tuned.

Thanks for visiting.


Gene Bach said...

Gasoline prices here are $3.75/gal and diesel is $4.15. A lot of times we are the highest priced gas in the nation. LOL! At 8.7 mpg I can see where you're not going to be too thrilled with long trips.

denverdoc said...

Hope you didn't actually see "August Rush" at that funky little theater. What a gagger of a movie!


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