Tuesday, June 12, 2007

A Close Encounter

June 12 - I kidded yesterday about “roughing” it with electricity, wifi and A/C at the RV place I stayed at last night in Newcastle. For those other RV’ers, The Auto-Inn Motel & RV Park sounds just wonderful in their blurb in Woodall’s guide…”Brand New!”, “FREE WiFi, “Very Clean and Neat!” Brand New translates to a freshly gouged out hillside which is probably a hell hole after a rain and wasn’t too great last night either.

Just about the time I finished unhooking and setting up Bivouac, the first train rolled by. Now I told you that while in Torrington a lot of trains came through town and I didn’t mind. In Torrington the railroad tracks were about a hal
f mile away. Last night the train tracks were about 150 yards from Bivouac! I swear you could not see the tracks until a train went by…and it wasn’t just one or two. It was every 30-45 minutes. I foolishly decided it wouldn’t be too bad and decided to tough it out. When it got dark, in the rest of the Newcastle, I discovered the high intensity “security” lights right next to Bivouac. When I have every light on inside Bivouac it’s not as light as what shined through the doors and windows last night!………..AND to top it all off, no WiFi. They were having ISSUES!

So, I don’t want to hear any pissy comments about “roughing” it in a well equipped trailer. Trailer people rough it too!….As Goethe said “Alle ist relativ”. Look it up.

Needless to say I was up early and on the road earlier than usual. Destination, Devil’s Tower. It was overcast and drizzly so the temps were almost chilly. I got to Devil’s Tower without incident and got a great camp spot in the KOA which is right outside the National Monument. I have a wonderful view of the tower right out the trailer.

The good news is that I got Bivouac squared away before the downpour started. (Those poor people in Auto-Inn..) The bad news is that it poured and my plans for a hike around the tower got washed out. The good news is that allowed me to catch up on the blog. (WiFi works just fine here.) I’m thinking there’s an easy 1.3 mile trail around the base of the tower that I can do first thing tomorrow morning. Then it’s off to Montana.

I’m supposed to be back home by Friday late so that Saturday I can go with the circle to get
Guitar’s custom cowboy hat in Fairplay. Yes the day is here and Guitar has an appointment for a final “fitting”. (If the hat doesn’t fit, they shave his head and try again!) In looking at the map today I realize that I’m a little further from home than I realized. It’s going to be a chore to be back by Friday but I’m going to try. I’ve also got a little issue with the weight distribution hitch for Bivouac that I’m watching closely and hope it’ll get me home without incident. We’ll see.

Thanks for visiting.

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