Thursday, June 7, 2007

Why is This Man Calling Me?

Ever since I made the decision to do a road trip to Devil's Tower, all the options for the rest of the time have been turning over in my mind. In the previous post I said I'd play a lot of the week "by ear" but as I thought of of all the possiblilities, playing "by ear" time decreased. All the time I was looking at the general area maps, I kept looking northward to Montana, to the Little Big Horn Battlefield National Monument.

Readers know I'm a Western history fan. I always have enjoyed the hisory of the West. I did research papers on George Armstrong Custer both in high school and college but I have NEVER been to the Little Big Horn Battlefield. I know, I know, I lived a deprived childhood....but I can come to terms with that! I can right decades of deprivation! I can fill that empty spot in my psyche!

Dad gum it, I'm goin' to the Little Big Horn!............and Devil's Tower too! I've got a full blown plan and it will definitely fill my week.

I've been working overtime looking at maps and searching the internet. If I were a womanfolk I'd have a giggly fit! This is gonna be soooo fun. Here's the full blown (minor details excepted) plan.

Day 1 - As described before...get to Torrington, WY

Day 2 - See Ft. Laramie, Jay Em and try to make it to Devil's Tower area. If not, arrive at Devil's Tower the following day.

Next Day - Drive great back roads to either Ashland, MT or Lame Deer, MT and make night camp.

Next Day - Visit Little Big Horn and make night camp somewhere in the area.

Next Day - Take I-90 south to Casper, Douglas or Wheatland area and make night camp.

Next Day - End of trip....Get home and start planning the next practice session. As I said in the last post "Practice Makes Perfect" and I intend to practice until I get it right!

Thanks for visiting.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, how's the reception? Is he using Verizon or Comcast? :) KH


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