Monday, August 27, 2007

100 Years!!

This is a double celebration! Today marks two important events in my life.

On this day 100 years ago The Bride and I became a legal family unit. This also marks my 30th post on this blog since I started in January of this year.................

Jeez, is that all, 30 posts? Sure seems like I've done more than that? 100 years of marriage? That feels about right but let me check this out. I'm a stickler for accuracy on this blog.

Ahem...., correction.....that's 30 years of marriage and this is my 100th post. Time really flies when you're having fun!

Honest, honey...I was just kidding. Thirty years. Isn't that amazing? You know honey it's a testament to our ability to get along that we're able to celebrate this put up with all my foibles and all, and I...well I try not to get any more foibles.

Thanks for visiting!.....Love ya hon!!!


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