Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Happy Birthday K and BRRRRRR

Saturday afternoon The Bride and I left the Spanish Market and Rendezvous and headed back to the Dory Hill campground for another night of festivities. Not only was this the very first "Circle The Wagons" outing but it was also K's birthday so a celebration was definitely in order!

We got to the campground right around 4 pm. The campground is at 9200' elevation and with a little cloud cover that came in late in the day it was starting to get a little chilly. Time for a fire! There's nothing like a campfire for a little camp ambiance and to foster fellowship.

I'm not sure what the womenfolk talked about but us guys were into subjects like grey water tank capacities, battery life and all sorts of other trailer related subjects. The dogs, Rocket, Woodrow (in the picture) and Katie just made themselves at home.

After conversation and libations it was time to start the feast. This night it was steak on the grill,
expertly cooked by Guitar, crab stuffed mushrooms, potatoes and green beans. A very nice bottle or two of red wine made everything even more special.

With dinner finished it was time to honor K with birthday gifts. Pic-E's birthday was a couple of weeks ago so we honored her as well. The festivities went on for some time and we moved out of doors again to huddle aroun
d the fire as we burned the last of the wood we brought. Dang, it was getting downright chilly so we decided to call it a night.

Sometime during the night I woke to what seemed like someone trying to move the trailer somewhere? After a couple of seconds I realized that the wind was howling like a banshee and Bivouac was doing an imitation of my old fishing boat.....rocking, and not so gently, back and forth. The Bride woke up too. This was not a quickly passing event and it kept up and kept up. I managed to go back to sleep although I would wake up every now and again as a particularly strong gust hit the trailer.

Finally early Sunday morning things quieted down and then the heat started coming on in the trailer. I got up at about 7 am (late for me), started the coffee and opened the blinds. The picture to the left shows what greeted me....22 degrees! It was COLD!

Not only was it cold but the outside, city water line was frozen so I had to unhook that and go to the onboard water system.

When I went outside to unhook the city water I noticed that all of the tents that were in the campground the night before were gone. They must have had their tents blown over in the wind and just packed up and left.

We weren't in any hurry and once the sun got up, it started to warm up nicely. We had a group breakfast in Too Tall-Two Timing's and K's trailer....no pictures...and got the rigs ready to roll back to the Denver area. A final "uncircle" ceremony and everyone was on the road.

So the first Circle the Wagons event is history. I'm hoping that there will be many more to follow. I can certainly see doing this again in the future....hopefully the near future. I could see Taos, Albuquerque, or Santa Fe before this coming winter is done.

What do you think Guitar? How 'bout it Too Tall?

Thanks for visiting.

1 comment:

Gene Bach said...

Cold or not it sounds like a great adventure. My wife and I would love to do some traveling. I retire on the day after I turn 50 (Feb 1st, 2009) and I'm thinking that for that summer, as soon as our youngest daughter gets of of high school for the year, we are gonna hop in the trailer and take off for a couple months.


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