Monday, May 19, 2008

Powwow 2 and Gone Fishin'

I enjoyed the Tesoro Foundation Indian Market and Powwow so much on Saturday morning that I took The Bride and The Emmer back to it on Sunday.Another perfect Colorado spring day.....almost bordering on summer because the temperature got into the 80's. The picture at the top of the post is the view from behind the performance area. A perfect setting for this type of event.

One of the organizations participating in this event was Hawk Quest. This organization provides education to the general public and especially children about hawks, eagles, owls and falcons. The bald eagle in my last post was there courtesy of Hawk Quest.

The Emmer especially enjoyed seeing the owls and the eagle that Hawk Quest had in their booth. She also had fun petting some of the local law enforcement horses.

Spring has certainly sprung. It will be very warm this week with one day edging into the low 90's. That had prompted me to decide to slip away into the mountains for a couple days of fishing. The plan is to leave tomorrow and come back on Friday. Hopefully that way I'll avoid all the Memorial Day crowds.

My target destination this time is a small reservoir about 50 miles from here. Tarryall Reservoir is at about 8800 feet elevation so it should be nice and cool. The reservoir was drained a couple of years ago but the Department of Wildlife has been aggressively stocking the lake with rainbow, brown and cutthroat trout.

The Tarryall was named by miners. After discovering placer gold the creek in 1859, they named it "Tarryall" as a place to stay awhile. After all, they were finding lots of nuggets, many the size of peas. Their less fortunate comrades, arriving later, were angered by the possessiveness of the original group and nicknamed the area "Graball". These less-fortunate miners moved on to settle in Fairplay, named to suggest a more reasonable place than Tarryall.

Anyway, that's the plan. Color me "gone fishin".

Thanks for visiting.

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