Thursday, March 22, 2007

Cheesebugha, Cheesebugha, Cheesebugha

A bit of Colorado kitsch before the weekend starts....There are many claims regarding the beginnings of one of America's favorite and most celebrated foods, the cheeseburger. I guess no one knows what the exact truth is but at least Denver has documented part of the truth that is not in dispute.

California, Kentucky and Colorado all claim to be the birthplace of the cheeseburger. This birth occurred sometime between 1924 and 1935. The one thing that is not debatable is the registration of the trademark "cheeseburger" by
Louis E. Ballast of Denver in 1935. Louis and his Humpty Dumpty Barrel Drive In are long gone but the stone monument in the picture above marks the spot, now a bank parking lot, where this piece of American culinary history took place.

The "circle" is at full strength this weekend and we're headed to Leadville, Colorado for an off-beat weekend. Leadville is the highest incorporated city in the United States with an altitude of 10,152 feet above sea level. This small historic mining town is truly a Rocky Mountain High!

Famous names associated with the history of Leadville include The "Unsinkable" Molly Brown, Carneigie, Guggenheim, Susan B. Anthony, Oscar Wilde, Horace and "Baby Doe" Tabor, Doc Holliday, J.C. Penny, and many others.

Unfortunately the weather looks like it's not going to go easy on us. Current forecast is for rain and snow showers with a high temperature of 41.

The good news is that when we return I promise I'll have a good story for you. Now don't get your hopes up for another chapter of Muffler Man because I've already checked and he has no relatives in the Leadville area.

Thanks for visiting.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dang I miss the Rockies. These little bumps they call mountains here in the southeast just don't cut it. We are thinking in a few years when the kids are out of school of moving back out that way again. The spouse grew up in Wyoming and We have been all over up there and Colorado.

We miss it.

Later Y'all


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