Thursday, February 7, 2008

Mr. Mom

It's been typical February weather around here. Every few days a storm blows through dumping a couple of inches of snow on the front range and pounding the mountains. This pattern is keeping me from escaping in my trailer, Bivouac, for New Mexico so I have to be content to stick around home for now.

I am managing to do a lot of the little things that I put off doing before I retired. The first of the projects was to repaint and organize our food pantry....I can hear brothers #3 and #4 snickering right now. All I can say to them is I am free to do it or not, and since I have plenty of time, and no other responsibilities, I did it. I even enjoyed doing it. #1 has no room to snicker as he is a relatively new retiree himself. 12 years of hectic living and not a lot of care, made this a poster child for clean and organize. I painted walls and shelves, put padded shelf lining in and added several wall mounted spice racks. It was so much fun I also tackled the rat hole, under sink cabinet, and did the same thing. This is addictive! There are plenty more cabinets in the house that can use some "dress right dress" and "cover down".

I've also been doing a lot of cooking. Still nothing fancy or extravagant yet. It is a learning process after all. My motivations are two fold. I do want to help The Bride now that I have the time, but also on a selfish level, this is a skill set that will be of value to me when I take extended trips in my RV.

This leads me to the next topic of conversation. I mentioned in my last post that I was looking at selling Bivouac and buying a small Class A RV. I located one that I thought fit the bill and looked at it last Sunday. It was everything I was looking for in layout and size. There is one potential mechanical problem that I need to investigate and to that end I will be taking it, with the current owners permission, to be inspected by a mechanic. If there is an issue, hopefully the current owner will resolve it and I will buy the RV from him. The inspection is scheduled for next week. Stay tuned on this one.

Guitar and I were trying to work out a trip next week to Moab, UT to go to the Cowboy Poetry Gathering. It's something that both of us would like to do but between some personal obligations and the uncertainty of being able to get over the mountains this time of year, we decided not to go. I'm going to start looking for some more of these type of events a little later in the year.

Finally, I've been able to adopt and stick to a pretty good exercise routine. I have built a pretty decent home gym over the past few years. I've got an elliptical trainer, recumbent bike, treadmill and a weight machine. A couple of years ago I was pretty good about utilizing them and then life, job and whatever just seemed to get in the way. I realize that as I age I really need to pay attention to staying fit if I'm going to be in an RV doing stuff at 10,000 feet altitude. Let's hope that I can walk my talk!

Thanks for visiting.

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