As a result, I LOVE BARBECUE!! Carolina style that is. No cow and ketchup for me, no sir. If it's barbecue it better be pork and pulled or chopped at that!
Going to Columbia gave me the opportunity to "partake" of my favorite food. Columbia is home to a very famous barbecue restaurant, Maurice's Piggy Park. It is unique in the Carolina's in that it uses a mustard based sauce. Most all of the rest of the Carolina's use a vinegar based sauce and this is what I enjoy the most. Living in the west however, I can't be too particular and have to take my pleasures as I find them so dinner a Maurice's (pronounced Mo-reece's) was a must.
Tuesday night was the night and I took a business associate from Oklahoma with me. I ordered a "Big Pig" plate for both of us and we both did "pig out" on pulled pork, ribs, hash, cole slaw, sweet tea...and for desert, a BIG bowl of home made bananna pudding! I ate so much I was absolutely that wonderful way! Heaven.....
In the past 10 years I've travelled back to the Carolina's about 3 times. In the last 2 months, I've been back twice and the best news is that next week I'll be travelling to Winston-Salem, NC. Visit this blog next week for a continuation of my barbecue story
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