Friday, December 28, 2007

I Wish I Were Dreaming....

OK, enough with the white please. Let's take a break for a while OK? A white Christmas was fun, and it broke a record here...7.8" on Christmas Day officially. The day after Christmas was nice then early Thursday morning it began snowing again.

With my new retired lifestyle that should not have bothered me, right? I just stay home....oh, but there was the matter of getting The Emmer to work. She has zero experience in driving in snow so it's either let her take the bus in single digit temps or I can take her at 6 am.

The Christmas spirit was still strong so I took her to work. Then there is the matter of going back and picking her up after a day of steady snow. Then there was the matter of CaJenn, who was flying back to the left coast late yesterday...after the whole day of snow...40 miles to the airport. I guess I can retire from work but I can never retire from being a father.

The Bride took the afternoon off from work so that she could see CaJenn off at the airport. Because The Emmer also needed a ride back from work, The Bride took CaJenn and I went for The Emmer.

We were sorry to see CaJenn go. The visits are always too short these days. We know for sure that we will see her again by June because that is when she is getting married....and there may be a trip or two before that.

The weather shaman say that the snow is probably over for this year...a chance of some flurries on Sunday, but it shouldn't be much. Then again they said we'd only get a "dusting" for Christmas too. So far this December we've had 20.9" of snow. That's a pretty good chunk but it looks pretty puny compared to December 1913 when Denver had 57.4". An old life expression comforts me in this knowledge..."It can always be worse."

Thanks for visiting.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

love the snow photos.....and a wonderful new year to you, the family and The Circle....


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