Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Visiting With "The Colonel"

It wasn't hard to leave Denver on Sunday morning (10 degrees/5" snow) and head for Atlanta (78 degrees/sunshine). While I don't mind the colder weather of Colorado it's still nice to experience the "other side" of winter.

Amazingly my flight was on time leaving. The plane was full but not packed and I lucked out with the center seat being unoccupied so there was plenty of room to stretch out. The bad news is that half way to the airport I discovered that I had left my computer bag back home! Not only was I planning on keeping this blog up to date, but also I had a large file of family pictures that I scanned, that I was going to show to The Colonel.

The Retirement community that The Colonel resides in has a business center with computers available so I will at least be able to keep up with text reports. I don't think I'll be able to post any pictures while I'm here due to the limitations of the computers.

At any rate, I arrived on time in Atlanta and was met by brother #4 who lives in the area. I enjoyed a wonderful evening with him and his spouse "4A". Monday morning before I caught the shuttle to Columbus, GA we ate breakfast at a local spot. I was in "cultural transition" from the Rocky Mountain West to the Deep South so my breakfast consisted of a western omelet and grits. Not a bad combination at all!

I arrived in Columbus shortly after noon and The Colonel and I spent the rest of the day catching up on news and family. The Colonel is now 89 years old and resides in the assisted living portion of this complex. For his age he is in relatively good health but he suffers with many of the conditions prevalent to that age. It is not easy to take him outside of the complex. That being said, it is my task while I'm here to get him out as much as I can.

Today's adventure will be to take him to the cemetery to visit his bride. This is difficult but satisfying for both of us.

It's now a little after 8 am and I have some chores to do before I go to him so I will end this post here.

Thanks for visiting.

1 comment:

Gene Bach said...

How's the water situation back there. Awhile back it wasn't looking too good for those folks.


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